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Frequently Asked Questions about anti Wrinkle Injections

  • What are wrinkle reduction treatments?

    Anti-wrinkle injections, also known as botulinum toxin injections or neuromodulators, are a popular non-surgical cosmetic treatment used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on the face.

  • Does the procedure hurt?

    he experience of pain or discomfort during anti-wrinkle injections can vary from person to person. Here are a few factors to consider:

    Needle Sensitivity: If you fear needles or are generally sensitive to injections, you may find the procedure uncomfortable. However, the needles used for anti-wrinkle injections are fine, and most people report mild discomfort.

    The skill of the Practitioner: The expertise and technique of the healthcare professional administering the injections can affect the level of discomfort. A skilled practitioner will minimise pain by using appropriate techniques and ensuring precise placement of the injections.

    Pain Management Techniques: Various pain management techniques can be used during the procedure, such as numbing creams or ice packs applied to the area before the injections. These can help reduce discomfort.

    Personal Pain Tolerance: Pain perception varies from person to person. What one individual may find painful, another may describe as merely a slight pinch or pressure.

    Most people generally describe anti-wrinkle injections as relatively painless or only mildly uncomfortable. The sensation is often described as a brief pinch or sting at the injection site. Discomfort is typically minimal and short-lived

  • How long does the procedure take?

    The duration of the anti-wrinkle injection procedure can vary depending on several factors, including the number of treatment areas and the individual's specific needs. However, in general, the procedure itself is relatively quick and typically takes around 10 to 20 minutes.

    Here's a breakdown of the typical timeline:

    Consultation: The initial consultation with a healthcare professional may take around 15 to 30 minutes. During this time, you will discuss your goals, medical history, and any concerns you may have. The practitioner will evaluate your suitability for the treatment and develop a personalized treatment plan.

    Preparing for the Procedure: Before the injections, the treatment area may be cleansed, and a topical numbing cream or ice pack might be applied to minimize discomfort. This preparation usually takes a few minutes.

    Injection Process: The actual injection process itself usually takes around 5 to 10 minutes. The healthcare professional will use a fine needle to administer the injections into the targeted muscles or areas of concern. The number of injections will depend on the treatment plan and the specific areas being addressed.

    Post-Injection Instructions: After the injections, the healthcare professional may provide you with post-treatment instructions, such as avoiding strenuous exercise, touching the treated area, or lying down for a certain period. They may also discuss potential side effects and when to follow up for subsequent treatments.

    Overall, from consultation to completion of the procedure, you can expect the anti-wrinkle injection process to take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. The majority of the time is typically spent on the consultation and preparation steps, while the injections themselves are relatively quick.

  • How long do anti wrinkle injections last?

    The duration of the effects of anti-wrinkle injections can vary from person to person. On average, the results typically last between three to six months. However, it's important to note that individual factors, such as the dosage used, the area treated, and the individual's metabolism, can influence the longevity of the effects.

  • When will I see Results?

    After the initial treatment, you may start noticing the effects of the injections within a few days, but it usually takes up to one to two weeks for the full results to become visible. The injected muscles gradually relax, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and lines.

  • What are dermal fillers?

    Dermal fillers are a type of non-surgical cosmetic treatment used to restore volume, enhance contours, and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and lines in the face. They are injectable substances that are primarily used to address signs of aging, improve facial symmetry, and enhance certain features..

  • Does the procedure for dermal fillers hurt?

    The experience of pain or discomfort during dermal filler injections can vary from person to person. However, many individuals report only mild discomfort or minimal pain during the procedure. Here are some factors to consider:

    Numbing Cream or Local Anesthetic: Prior to the injections, a healthcare professional may apply a topical numbing cream or use a local anesthetic to help minimize any discomfort. These numbing agents can help reduce the sensation of pain or discomfort during the procedure.

    Filler Composition and Technique: Different dermal fillers have varying consistencies, and some may contain lidocaine, a local anesthetic, within the filler itself. These factors can contribute to a more comfortable experience during the injections. Additionally, the technique used by the healthcare professional can also influence the level of discomfort. A skilled practitioner will aim to make the procedure as comfortable as possible.

    Individual Pain Tolerance: Pain perception varies among individuals. What one person may describe as mild discomfort, another may perceive as more intense. Factors such as personal pain tolerance and sensitivity can influence the individual experience.

    At Plaza Central Medical and Aesthetics, we use a specific numbing agent to ensure that out patient remains comfortable during the procedure.

  • When can I see results?

    The effects of dermal fillers are immediate, and you can see the results right after the treatment. 

  • What are the side effects of injectables?

    As with any medical procedure, there may be some temporary side effects such as redness, swelling, or bruising at the injection sites, but these typically subside within a few days.

  • How long do fillers last?

    The longevity of dermal fillers varies depending on factors such as the type of filler used, the treatment area, and individual factors. On average, the effects of hyaluronic acid fillers last from six to 18 months, while other fillers may have longer-lasting effects.

  • Who performs the procedures?

    Our procedures are performed by Radhika, registered nurse, professional certificate in aesthetic medicine. 

  • What are the alternatives to Injectables?

    Chemical Peels and microdermabraison have become an effective way to treat wrinkles, fne lines and discoloration. The number and effectivness of treatments required will vary on each individual.

Our Work

Fillers to fix Marionette lines and smile lines

This client has had fillers done in the marionette lines and smile lines ( mid and lower face).  Before and after pictures taken immediately after treatment.  Client also shown remarkable improvement in skin condition with use of ASAP super A serum, in preparation for ASAP skin peels. An improved skin condition was seen after 7 days use of the super A serum.  Please note that Individual results will vary.

marionette lines

Before.                                                                                                     AfterNew Paragraph

Lip fillers

The client asked for a subtle effect with fillers. This treatment gave excellent results with slightly plumped and hydrated lips. Note individual results will vary. Photo taken immediately after the procedure.

Lips with dermal filler

Before                                                                                                          After


The client has had anti-wrinkle injectables on a regular basis and a marked difference was noted.

 Picture taken four months apart.  Note individual results will vary.

Forehead wrinkles

Before.                                                                                                         After

Note: Images used  in “Our Work “ section remains  property of Plaza Central Medical and Aesthetics and cannot be reproduced or reused. These images are used by client consent.

Images used at the top of this page are not from real clients. those are stock images used for website development only.

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