Plasma Pen Fibroblast Treatment

Non-surgical Blepharoplasty and Wrinkle Reduction

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What are the benefits of plasma pen treatment?

1.Skin Tightening and lifting:

The heat generated by the plasma pen tightens the skin by stimulating collagen production. This effect is particularly beneficial in areas where the skin has become loose or saggy due to aging.

2. Reduced Wrinkles and Fine Lines:
Collagen and elastin production contribute to the reduction of wrinkles and fine lines. As the skin heals, it appears smoother and more youthful.

3. Improved Texture and Tone:
Plasma pen treatment helps improve skin texture and tone, giving the skin a more even and youthful appearance. It can address issues such as sun damage and uneven pigmentation.

4. Scar Reduction:

Bid farewell to scars and imperfections! Fibroblast plasma is highly effective in minimizing the appearance of scars, including those from acne or  surgical procedures. The controlled healing response helps regenerate healthy skin tissue.

5.Non-Invasive Alternative:

Compared to surgical procedures, the plasma pen offers a non-invasive alternative for individuals seeking anti-aging treatments. There is minimal downtime, and the procedure is generally less traumatic to the skin.

6.Precision Targeting:

The plasma pen allows for precise targeting of specific areas, making it suitable for delicate areas around the eyes and mouth, where traditional surgical procedures might be more challenging.

7.Long-lasting Results:

While individual results may vary, many people experience long-lasting results from plasma pen treatments. However, maintenance sessions may be recommended to sustain the benefits over time.

The Procedure


Consultation with a qualified practitioner is essential to determine if the patient is a suitable candidate for plasma pen treatment.


The skin is thoroughly cleaned and a topical numbing cream is applied to minimize discomfort during the procedure.


The plasma pen is used to create controlled micro-injuries on the skin's surface. This process typically takes about 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the areas being treated.


Patients may experience some redness, swelling, and small scabs immediately after the procedure. These effects usually subside within a few days

Post-Treatment Care:

Following the procedure, patients are advised to follow specific post-treatment care instructions, which may include avoiding sun exposure and using recommended skincare products.



While less invasive than surgery, there may be some downtime associated with plasma pen treatment. Patients should plan accordingly and follow post-treatment guidelines.


Results vary from person to person, and multiple sessions may be required to achieve the desired outcome.

The health care profession will advise you if this treatment is suitable for your skin type and will discuss contraindications with you.

After care instructions will be provided to you before you leave

           The plasma pen difference

Please note that individual results differ, and outcomes depend on individual skin type, skin concerns, number of treatments, before and after care.

These images are provided courtesy pf LW plasma pen and are of real patients.

Talk to us to find out how the plasma fibroblast therapy can benefit you.

Price Guide

Areas to be treated 1 session 3 seesions
Upper eyelids $599.99 $1647.30*
Forehead $799.00 $2247.00
Crows Feet $600.00 $1647.00
Naso labial folds ( sides of mouth $600.00 $1597.00
Mole removal ( only after GP consult) from $90
All other areas/treatments Price after consultation
Mole removal from $199.00

How  can I make a booking?

To make a booking, click on the "book now" button on the header, above.

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